This is in the dining room under the table. This is where I need some help. Is this just some skinny floor board? OR can this be sanded and stained and redone?
A close up shot shows there are some spaces between some of the boards. Is that appropriate to leave shown off? OR does that add character?
Another close up shot appears that there is a brown coat under the white coat of paint. I can't tell if it was stained or just brown paint.
So... What do I do? Do you think that I can rent a sander and go to town? Or should these floors forever be covered??
well Martha, in my opinion, not sure if it is a worthy opinion.....but it looks just like my parents old kitchen floor. If it is, then it is just unfinished old wood floor, especially if the house is really old. I would probably attempt to strip the paint off in a small section to see what is under it. It's at least worth finding out so you are not wondering forever, as you seem like an inquisitive type of person! You could always re-paint it brown for a rustic look, but it depends on your style! Hope you enjoyed my opinion!
Who are you Anonymous??
I do have to agree with you. I don't think that these floors are the standard to refinish. I did pull the carpet back a second time and there are a few patch jobs the were filled with what looks like nice tongue and groove flooring..
haha.....i forgot my name! this is miranda! i am glad u enjoyed my opinion! LOL.
Miranda, your opinion is always worthy!!
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